ArtEX works closely with Art Class Italy to bring professional Art Classes to Todi, Umbria. Art Class Italy is owned and operated by your “hosts” and its Directors Stephen Nall and Christine Lantas. Stephen and Christine have between them 30 years experience in art and design businesses, curating art exhibitions and art consulting. They are both motivated by a deep respect for artists and the effort they make in pursuing their careers, a love of Italy, its people and its culture and lifestyle.

Mickey Freedom
19 May – 23 May 2025
Mikey Freedom teaches the techniques used by Matisse in developing his ‘cutouts’. Mikey is heavily influencesd by Picasso and the cubist style of Braque. A recognised artist in Australia, Mikey is known for his public art that adorns interiors of many famous restaurants as well as his commercial posters and printed scarves .
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Don Perlis
26 May – 30 May 2025
American Don Perlis is a well known painter and a teacher with more than 35 years of experience. Don’s class is open to beginners as well as advanced students. It is a class teaching the fundamentals of figurative painting. There will be a model available and posed in a setting. Students will have a deeper understanding of the process by the end of class.
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Pete Sinjin
02 June – 06 June 2025
Pete will share with you the joyful creative practice of outdoor painting.
Plein Air painting allows you the opportunity to feel more deeply appreciative of the world that’s in front of you. It’s a tonic for these times when we too often attempt to capture the world in front of us by quickly snapping an image on our phones, only to find a picture that only vaguely approximates that beauty and all too often disappoints.
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